Foxelektra resident is wearing.... OUTFIT: ENFANT TERRIBLE - @CUPID INC. CORALINE TOP AND SKIRT - Available for LaraX, LaraX petite, Legacy, Perky, Reborn, Waifu, GenX and classic. Fatpack copy/mod/ no transfer Single colors include Hud to customize lace transparency, metal accents, upper skirt sheerness. @CUPID INC . SKIN: MIGNONNE - @DOLLHOLIC LOLITA SKIN EVOX - Available Velour compatible, 2 brows color, neck fix , freckles, HD eyeliners, 6 lipstick bom, 8 eyes Lelutka Evox and Omega Hud and bom version makeup @DOLLHOLIC HEAD WREATH: NOBLE CREATIONS - LAUREL WREATH Available in 2 version - menu touch resize NOBLE CREATIONS